I am going to put you in IT

So why do Spanish television stations here in America not have english subtitles? You always see our shows in Spanish!

Why can’t I see behind me own ear?

While channel surfing I managed to catch apart of an American movie on Spanish TV. It had such b actors, it must have been so bad it went to dubbed. I wonder if that is worse than straight to video. Perhaps in order to sell said movie they were told if they bought a Jean Claude Van Dam movie they could have this one too?

Other than that work is good and not much else bothers me!

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About Rev. F

Rev. F is a family man who lives in Utah. The title Rev is official folks, and not a send up. This blog is being used by me to vent and share my thoughts of the world and day to day life. If you don't like what I say, enjoy the view some where else. Have fun and be safe.

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