Daily Archives: February 24, 2008

ER / Little G & the date that wasn’t

Yesterday there was a plan. I go and work with Steve, help him with his laptop and come home. DW (darling wife) and I were going to make the kids dinner and dispatch them to the basement with a movie then. At this point DW and I would take over the kitchen and do our best to have a date, without leaving the house. I have been feeling somewhat disconnected and the time with DW would help to give us time together.

Well as I get home last night little G has damaged his ankle and I am now off to the ER. I can’t describe how annoyed I was last night over this. I had not eaten well and if I had eaten anything in a hurry I would have felt worse than I already did. So we took in him expecting to be told he had broken his ankle, foot, leg or something.

So after a little waiting and some x-rays we find they can’t see a break, and that if there is damage to the growth plate then we have to wait and see. So G has a boot on from the ER and we have to wait and see where we go with this.

So last night was a bust. I got some sleep last night and feel better but am still irritated. I hope he learns to be more careful as I don’t have the ability to keep up with how often we do this. 3 weeks ago I was in the same hospital for the dramatic birth of my daughter. — No more hospitals please folks!

–> You need to laugh so here is one of the better Matrix parodies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfLJsCkScks