Soft heads and hospitals

Well this week as marked our daughters 10th week of life. My wife took her in for a check up and was rather concerned about the sides of her head being rather soft. So as a result of this the doctor recommended we take her to the LDS Children’s Hospital for tests.

Well Wednesday they went in for tests and Wednesday afternoon they called and they confirmed that all was well. So if nothing else was nice to have everything come and go with little pomp and ceremony.

Work continues to keep me busy. We have a new boss and life could be interesting in the coming weeks and months as we get used to his logic. My old boss, well he seems to be doing just well. Which is nice. He called the other day and the laptop I worked on for him fried itself when he connected it to a docking station.

In addition to this I have finished working on another laptop for a friend and will be replacing the power supply in his main system tonight. This should take care of his computing needs and life should get a little quieter hope.

Dad if you happen to read this please note everything arrived and in good condition and thank you! Loved the card by the way!

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About Rev. F

Rev. F is a family man who lives in Utah. The title Rev is official folks, and not a send up. This blog is being used by me to vent and share my thoughts of the world and day to day life. If you don't like what I say, enjoy the view some where else. Have fun and be safe.

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