Lagoon & # 1 Son

So he is 9. DW calls yesterday and asks can he go to Lagoon with his friend, and his grandparents. I believe the only thing per say that I have as a concern are all of the overwhelming fears that I have as a parent in general and the need to protect him from everything.

So this morning I packed his lunch and sent him on his way to Lagoon. He was a butt, there were certain conditions I had and he wanted to argue them. But, we met them and he is away for fun today. He is also going to be gone until late this evening. I miss him when I know I can’t reach out and cuddle him.

It is very hard to be a parent and watch as your first hits certain points where they get more autonomy. Ah well. Life goes on.

Happy Pioneer Day folks! It is a UTAH holiday.

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About Rev. F

Rev. F is a family man who lives in Utah. The title Rev is official folks, and not a send up. This blog is being used by me to vent and share my thoughts of the world and day to day life. If you don't like what I say, enjoy the view some where else. Have fun and be safe.

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