Zombie Attacks and Windows

Zombie Attack

So my wife and I had a chance to have dinner out with the boys last week. While out my wife noticed the size of the windows and explained she would like us to have larger windows. With this in mind I told her I would prefer to keep our windows as small and functional as possible. When she asked why I explained that I had a concern for Zombie attacks, and how smaller windows would be more easily defended. Needless to say this topic fell on deaf ears. But what happens if they do attack?

So please be aware of the following folks:



So for you non believers, the day is coming, beware of the Zombie!

I found the following very useful:

1) Don’t save anyone, don’t even try.

2) The laws of man no longer apply. The Laws of the jungle is in full effect. That means you should screw over anyone you can.

3) Eat any kind of food you come into contact with. Food is hard to get in a zombie invasion.

4) Guns are worth a lot. Bullets are worth more than anything. If you meet a kind soul that has a lot of spare bullets, shoot him and take the bullets.

5) Find a two story building and block off the staircase. Then find a way to sleep on the roof. This isn’t a good long term survival method, but it will buy you some time. Take water onto the roof. Shoot any zombies that look like smokers. You don’t want that jerk burning your house down…or forcing his second hand smoke on you.

6) If traveling with a group, kill the crazy guy in your group. I think most zombie movies have made the reason for this quite clear.

7) If traveling with a group, and someone is injured, kill them without hesitation. If anyone in your group objects, kill them too. If you do this, you are now the crazy guy in the group, watch out for rule 6.

8) The military is not your friend. “Join the army, see the world, save people from zombies” is not their motto.

9) Zombies don’t care if its night or day. Limit your excursions to daytime. In fact, don’t have any excursions. This is a zombie attack, not a visit to Disneyland, you dumbass.

10) If you are well supplied and safe, for Godsakes, don’t leave your current position. Anyone that saw the new Dawn of the Dead movie surely must have realized that that entire group got itself killed using nothing but their own combined stupidity.

11) Boats are a losing strategy.

12) My Dad used to always say to me: “Remember aLs, in case of a zombie invasion, you never have to reload a machete.” It’s true.

13) Having a zombie escape plan not only saves time, it saves lives. Ask yourself this, do you know where you’re supposed to meet family and friends when the undead scourge comes? You are living on the edge my friend.

14) Wear lots of leather. Wear anything that is hard to bite through. Don’t wear so much that you can’t run. Girls: Skimpy clothing is a stupid idea. Your best bet is tight leather. Yeah. Tight leather. Wear that.

15) Stop shooting zombies in the torso, you jerk. Ammo doesn’t grow on trees.

16) Put your cellphone on vibrate. One ring at the wrong moment can spell disaster. Also, if it rings while we’re having dinner or I’m talking to you, and you answer it, I am going to invoke rule 2 and push you off the side of the building.

17) That scary looking dog is not your friend. Do not pet him.

18) If you are covered in zombie blood, take a shower. If someone were to cut you, and that blood got into the wound, you’d be infected. If you’re infected, then watch out for rule 7. Hopefully someone will avenge you with rule 6.

19) You will be encouraged to go to some kind of emergency shelter. This is the most suicidal suggestion you will hear all day. If everyone jumps off a bridge, are you going to do that too? You’re a freaking tool if you say yes.

20) There will be some people in your group that insist that their voodoo priest grandfather used to say, “When hell is full, the dead will walk the Earth.” Let me tell you, I knew that voodoo priest too, and he also used to say “I eat 3 tubs of mayo every week.” So take it with a grain of salt.

21) If one of the people in your group is a pilot or doctor, protect them at all costs. If you are a pilot or doctor, you will most certainly be killed by the zombie horde. They tend to kill the most useful people in the group. Absolutely, under no circumstances, should you teach the pregnant girl how to fly the helicopter. You were really asking for it when you did that, moron.

22) If you light a zombie on fire, you give it another way to kill you. Now it’s a shambling fireball. What was going through your head when you lit the thing on fire? It’s almost like you want to die.

23) Dead zombies may have useful things in their pockets. Search them. Stealing from the dead is not tacky, it’s profitable.

24) Don’t be an attorney. Remember what happened to the attorney in Jurassic Park? I know that isn’t a zombie movie, but I feel that it can be applied across the board.

25) Lie to the rest of your group and tell them you know where a secret underground base is where there’s lots of food and water. That way, if you end up in a scary situation, your group will sacrifice many of its number to save you.

26) If rule 25 comes into play, steal your group’s stuff and strike it out on your own. They are gonna be so pissed when they realize they fell for the old “I know where a secret base is” bullshit.

27) Keep an eye on the head scientist. I think he’s up to something.

28) Think of this whole thing as a vacation. Try to keep your morale up. The attacks will continue until morale improves.

29) Stop blaming God. This wasn’t his bad. Blame the Dutch. This is all on them.

30) Contrary to public opinion, zombies make horrible slaves.

These were found @:Link

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About Rev. F

Rev. F is a family man who lives in Utah. The title Rev is official folks, and not a send up. This blog is being used by me to vent and share my thoughts of the world and day to day life. If you don't like what I say, enjoy the view some where else. Have fun and be safe.

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