Daily Archives: June 1, 2009

63 Years Later

Over 60 years ago the ‘Final Solution’ was used with industrial efficiency to cleanse Europe (Nazi Occupied Europe) of those Adolf Hitler found undesirable. Those in the center of these cross hairs were the Jewish people. This was not just plied against the men, but against women and children. An approx number of 6 million has been put forth as the cost of life, yet this number is so incomprehensible to me that it is numbing.

The Nazi’s, I want to be specific here, the Nazi’s not the German people, there is a difference, they worked these people to death. If you were too old, too young or of no use you were cleansed immediately. Those who lived, existed to fuel the Nazi war machine.  Now we have those who deny this happened, they deny that approx 6 million people vanished, entire family lines ended. The quote I feel makes sense here is the one where it is said that the greatest trick the devil pulled was to make the world believe he didn’t exist. By denying the Holocaust perhaps you can believe that there is no evil, or perhaps your agenda is one I will never understand.

I state my opinions, and if you don’t like them, don’t read them. I will respect your right to disagree, will you respect mine?
