La Mer

Well I’m just writing this to pass the time before my next lecture.
5 more minutes to go….Man this is an awkward keyboard to use.
Though I do dislike using any keyboards that aren’t my own since I not as proficient using them…
Still five minutes to go before I should start walking across the path to John Hume for a Developmental Psych lecture. To be honest I think I prefer sitting in these lectures to any other since I happily understand what is being said and find it fascinating to learn all these lovely reasons why people really shouldn’t have kids ’cause we’ll fuck them up either mentally or physically or both…..who knows…..such a wide variety of options.
Three minutes to go…fun fun fun fun….The light shining in through the window is slightly blinding me…
Fencing tonight. More brusies. Have a bit of a new one from monday when Kev got me in the arm pretty viciously…
Ah well one minute to go. So myself and Mr. Trent Reznor, who is singing to me through the earphones of my ipod, so probably begin the quick little walk to my lecture, after which I will be free til 8 this evening.
Isn’t life wonderful.

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About Dischordia

Um, well I'm currently a university student living at home with one adopted almost white cat called "Spooky". Not much else to tell.....Other than how i saved the world from martians and stuff but that's actually really boring...especially with all the explosions....Ah well :)

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