
It’s funny how you can be so sure of something one day and then be completely wrong about it the next. But then I suppose it’s one of those things in life that can bee seen as a good and bad thing, it always finds a new way to knock you on your ass to make you learn.

Yesterday I wrote a blog about my outrage after reading a very short article in the Irish Independent that someone had created a waterboarding installation in the Coney Island Fun Park.

Ger, thank you for your very long comment showing me the massive error in my judgement call. I wrongly jumped on the band wagon after having read one journalist’s opinion on the topic without giving the broader picture on the installations significance. I’m honestly ashamed that I was such a twit to let my opinion be swayed so easily, I’m going to delete that blog now. Again, thank you Ger for very patiently pointing me towards the other side of the story.

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About Dischordia

Um, well I'm currently a university student living at home with one adopted almost white cat called "Spooky". Not much else to tell.....Other than how i saved the world from martians and stuff but that's actually really boring...especially with all the explosions....Ah well :)

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