
I can’t believe I just found Dilbert podcasts on itunes…..it’s totally weird though, they’ve changed the voices since the cartoons, so they just don’t sound right….Anyway I’m flicking through them seeing if there’s any good ones so far there’s a few…. 🙂

Since I’ve mentioned the John Cleese podcasts before, I’ve listened to a good few, and given it more patience than I believe it deserves….Out of more than ten podcasts, none of them have the man himself in them….about five of them are jsut background noise of someone making a cup of tea and then somone hoovering….then the others are some of the production staff on his tour…..that could still be interesting, but it isn’t. There’s maybe two I’ve found with Cleese actually in them and they’re little videos, which are ok, but not great.


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About Dischordia

Um, well I'm currently a university student living at home with one adopted almost white cat called "Spooky". Not much else to tell.....Other than how i saved the world from martians and stuff but that's actually really boring...especially with all the explosions....Ah well :)

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