Fatwa on Darragh

So mom’s going to kill or just scalp Darragh. She invited him to spend Xmas at ours with us, unlce james and rodger, and knowing he’s always doing stuff, she invited him at the beginning of the year. Yeah, he’s blown us off. He’s going to spend Xmas in the Antartic or somewhere equally desolate, so now she’s pissed that he crapped on her plans.

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About Dischordia

Um, well I'm currently a university student living at home with one adopted almost white cat called "Spooky". Not much else to tell.....Other than how i saved the world from martians and stuff but that's actually really boring...especially with all the explosions....Ah well :)

2 thoughts on “Fatwa on Darragh

  1. Rev. F

    If I were here I would ignore the slight and move on. Dara is oblivious to certains things and it is how he is and not a slight. I am reading a book right now called Party of One by anneli rufus and I believe she has a very good handle on people.

    So don’t get steamed over this. Let is pass. The guy likes where he is and am sure some commitments are hard for him. I get the impression he likes to be alone.

  2. Dischordia Post author

    He likes to be miserable.

    Meh, mom was steaming about it after that phone call but I think she’s let it go. She’s not focused on trying to get the work on the house started. I believe it begins tomorrow. Yay moving into my sitting room to get away from the dust..!

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