Goth can be funny too!

Three songs for you, all by the same guy and you might already know one of them if the kids watch the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy on cartoon network. I think you’ll like them too ’cause the guy who writes them is really clever with his wording. Plus they come with some little introductions and he’s got a fun sense of humor. Plus it might give you some ideas for fun songs to learn to play on guitar! I can help you find tabs if you want though you’re probably trying to learn to play the proper way with sheet music. <--------------This is the one from Cartoon Network This one is a little sensitive in some bits of it's subject matter; so it's not for little ears! It's Voltaire's version of a song by the Dresden Dolls called Coin Operated Boy, replace word Boy with Goi.

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About Dischordia

Um, well I'm currently a university student living at home with one adopted almost white cat called "Spooky". Not much else to tell.....Other than how i saved the world from martians and stuff but that's actually really boring...especially with all the explosions....Ah well :)

2 thoughts on “Goth can be funny too!

  1. Rev. F

    These were a good giggle thanks. I need to ask the following questions about you illustrating.

    1. What are your financial expectations? I was going to ask dad what the general agreement he had with Terry Myler was so we had a base.

    2. How do you anticipate this would affect your Uni work as I don’t want to harm your studies?

    3. What do you need from me in order to complete drawings? I thoughts perhaps marking areas where I felt an image was appropriate and leaving it then to you.

    4. What did you want to know?

  2. Dischordia Post author

    Glad you liked the videos. Right in answer to your questions;

    1. Financial expectations, hadn’t really thought about it. If your book becomes the next Harry Potter then you can chuck some money my way. 🙂
    If it gets published and you make a few bob from it, I’ll give you the names of some cds and books I think are only availible in the US in exchange for my work. But ONLY if you are making money from it. Honestly this is giving me a project that I’ll have to think up some orginal work for so it’s helping me with my portfolio as long as I can include copies of the drawings in it, so getting paid isn’t on my agenda.

    2. In regards to my uni work if I want to get my portfolio done I’m going to have to learn to balance my studies and drawing. And this is going to be a life lesson ’cause I’m going to have to learn to balance a working life with an art life. When I have a heavy workload with college, my studies will come first and the drawings can wait til I have the time again.

    3. In order to even begin any drawings I want to be able to read through the book so I can try and see the story the way you do and I’ll be checking in with you as to whether or not various details fit in with what you want. If you mark areas in the story where you think you’d like some pictures, feel free to mark them and I’ll see what I can do and if there’s other parts that strike me as potentially being a good image I’ll talk to you about it.

    4. Do you have any of the book written? Do you have a completion date in mind in regards to getting the writing and the drawings finished so you can start sending it out to publishers?

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