Another day

So today has been a passing of time as opposed to anything else and you know what, that is not a bad thing to have happen at all. My darling wife cleared an enormous amount of room for me in the storage room yesterday and now I have a desk to work at again. I am all a twitter is all I can say folks. I have somewhere to write and be creative.My mother in law arrived to my house then today almost as a universal counteraction to me having some room and gace me 5 computers to fix, essentially the instructions were one of these needs to work. Whatever happens to the others – who cares. So I have my second media center TV for my room! Folks, how much better can it get. I have one I can use for the downstairs TV and banish DVD’s for good to the storage room and the other will allow us to take the sliding DVD player off my TV. Dude does it get any better?I am starting to also get requests for help again for computers. Not really the ones that pay, but enough to make sure I work for nothing and am never idle. I guess that is good?Ah well folks it is what it is, however I am not working for nothing here. With the mother in law I get a system for my media center # 2. Excellent trade off and by looking at two of the systems and how old the things are I know they are a lost cause to begin with.The others I need to meter and figure it out. However the other folks I am going to teach to fish! BTW this is now what my storage room looks like.

My Storage Room

I have to say I was very impressed when my wife showed me. This left me with two major questions, who are the two guys and doesn’t my iPOD have more power than those HUGE computers these days?

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About Rev. F

Rev. F is a family man who lives in Utah. The title Rev is official folks, and not a send up. This blog is being used by me to vent and share my thoughts of the world and day to day life. If you don't like what I say, enjoy the view some where else. Have fun and be safe.

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