Monthly Archives: January 2009

My Birthday

This is Tofu the Vegan Zombie 

So yesterday was my birthday. I had a nice day, quite restful. It was nice to take it easy. Also work was not a huge interruption either. Shower, Breakfast, Barnes and Noble. Was great.

I am now hooked on the Walking Dead series by Robert Kirkman. (LINK)

So while out I managed to get a copy of the Writers Market 2009. Dad recommended this and it is really interesting and useful. Now I am starting to understand how much more fun I am going to have with getting Figgy sold.

Well thanks to my birthday I was able to buy Walking Dead 4 and 5. I will eventually buy 1 – 3. But for now am going to buy forward until I can get caught up and then buy the monthly. Not a bad price for the monthly @ $2.99 an issue.

I was also able to get a few other books, one from David Morrell and another from an author I don’t know, but he hit my pet topics and that was Ian Fleming and anything Bond related.

Oh I also broke down and bought World War Z. I will end up buying The Zombie Survivor Guide as well. I have it in eform right now but believe I would like the paper copy as well.

Lyd check this out: this is way cool!

Note to self: kill the neighbours

Blocking out the world

Harsh subject/title but heck what else is a girl gonna do. As I’m writing this I’m sitting in bed and trying to study for my next exam which is tomorrow. It’s the middle of the day so I can understand that people can make as much noise as they want in their own homes. Sure during the day I play loud industrial music, sometimes for my own enjoyment moreso than to annoy the neighbours attached to us. Yes I know that sounds pretty mean to do to the people in the house attached to me, but quite frankly they started it. After living in a house for a few years and altering practially everything in it since they moved in, you think they’d be happy with it and stop hammering and banging. Well no they havent. HOW DO THEY HAVE WALL SPACE LEFT?????

In all fairness to the KGB spies who live next door (serious nothing else explains why they would have so many arials attached to the roof) I don’t think todays noise is down to them. Someone is getting something drilled with a big buzzing drill that is doing my head in. Perhaps its a jackhammer. Something like that.

Another big question for you. Who decides that Winter would be a great time to get some work done on the house? The coldness and rain don’t exactly allow for you to leave the windows open all day to vent the fumes of whatever and external work when it’s just going to piss rain on what you’ve just finished is asking for trouble. Though it’s not stopping the local KGB branch from varnishing upstairs around Christmas and leaving the windows open til well after nightfall with a new baby in the house.

So now I’m going to resort to my headphones and some music to block out the noise, which unfortunately doesnt help me much when I’m studying but I’ve got to do something to repress the homicidal urges.

Oh on a good note Dominion is back on a weekly basis so I’m thinking of going out on Saturday to boogie. I keep replaying the song the club was named after, it’s by Sisters of Mercy so maybe you’ve heard it before Ger. You might like the vid.

American Idol

So the main topic of North American blogs will be the Bikini girl who turned up on our television sets last night. The contestants were generally the same, those with talent, those without talent, those without a clue and those who should be heavily medicated.

The standouts last night were the girl with pink hair, the one named after Stevie Nicks, the blind guy, and bikini girl. Bikini girl does not have a name from what I understand, no one was paying enough attention to get it. (bitchy comment wasn’t it!) she managed to get the full attention of everyone she wanted the focus from and she did it well. However I am not convinced there is any substance to last this competition. But she may end up being famous because she was on Idol. So famous for the sake of famous. The other one who stood out was the one who set up a group to adopt old folks. She has a good shot at this.

The Birthday Cards Cometh …

I got a birthday card from my dad today and a gift to go get a book or two. So already know what I am looking for, the Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z.

Got one from my mother in law too. She likes to mail things.

So my plans for my birthday are to kick back and have fun and do some writing and get some work done on Figgy!

I had a great chat with my dad Sunday and we talked a little on character development, writing, target ages and such. It was a great conversation.  I love when we manage to have those types of conversations.

I am older Friday! Now what? Roll on tax times folks.

There is no end of the images for Zombies!

I want to be a Simpson

So while browsing for Zombie Invasion material I found this site to simpsonize you. It will turn your picture into a Simpson drawing. I have to find a picture of me that will do, but in case your interested here is the link

Note to self: find these books:


Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks
Max Brooks 06/09

Man, Beast and Zombie
Kenan Malik

Another day Zombies!

Another day at work over. I am glad the day is over and I can get home and work on chores here. Yes it sounds exhilarating does it not! While the wife is at work I help get the house in order. So tonight I managed to break the back on the laundry pile that has been holding us hostage since before Christmas. Our washer had started to misbehave and it then caused the dryer to work less and provide little in sympathy.

I saw this and felt this was appropriate. I like Zombie’s. It is not even a rational thing as I hate horror movies! So here is a quick picture for you.



Another day

So today has been a passing of time as opposed to anything else and you know what, that is not a bad thing to have happen at all. My darling wife cleared an enormous amount of room for me in the storage room yesterday and now I have a desk to work at again. I am all a twitter is all I can say folks. I have somewhere to write and be creative.My mother in law arrived to my house then today almost as a universal counteraction to me having some room and gace me 5 computers to fix, essentially the instructions were one of these needs to work. Whatever happens to the others – who cares. So I have my second media center TV for my room! Folks, how much better can it get. I have one I can use for the downstairs TV and banish DVD’s for good to the storage room and the other will allow us to take the sliding DVD player off my TV. Dude does it get any better?I am starting to also get requests for help again for computers. Not really the ones that pay, but enough to make sure I work for nothing and am never idle. I guess that is good?Ah well folks it is what it is, however I am not working for nothing here. With the mother in law I get a system for my media center # 2. Excellent trade off and by looking at two of the systems and how old the things are I know they are a lost cause to begin with.The others I need to meter and figure it out. However the other folks I am going to teach to fish! BTW this is now what my storage room looks like.

My Storage Room

I have to say I was very impressed when my wife showed me. This left me with two major questions, who are the two guys and doesn’t my iPOD have more power than those HUGE computers these days?

Goth can be funny too!

Three songs for you, all by the same guy and you might already know one of them if the kids watch the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy on cartoon network. I think you’ll like them too ’cause the guy who writes them is really clever with his wording. Plus they come with some little introductions and he’s got a fun sense of humor. Plus it might give you some ideas for fun songs to learn to play on guitar! I can help you find tabs if you want though you’re probably trying to learn to play the proper way with sheet music. <--------------This is the one from Cartoon Network This one is a little sensitive in some bits of it's subject matter; so it's not for little ears! It's Voltaire's version of a song by the Dresden Dolls called Coin Operated Boy, replace word Boy with Goi.


This is not suitable for anyone offended by bad language. However this is a very funny look at a very serious topic.