Daily Archives: September 12, 2008

Pee Big, Pee Small!

So there are social rules which govern bathroom interaction for men. Never look at another dude, never turn to talk to another dude while using the urinal, generally don’t talk to anyone!


So there is usually urinals at one of two heights, the smaller men, older boys and then those over 3 feet in height. What amazes me if why the figgin short people insist on using something they need to stand on tippy toes for when the one designed for their comfort is empty. Then us taller folks need to practically aim for our shoes to use the smaller ones?

You have no idea how much this frustrates me and I had this happen to me today. Some short dude was using the big boy potty while I had to use the one designed for my 2 year old! I would say grow up to them but then where would that get is when the little folks get pissed?