Daily Archives: September 25, 2008

Boosh boosh, the boosh is loose and it’s a little bit raw!

Julian and Noel

Went to the Mighty Boosh’s book signing in Easons on Saturday. Sinead bought my book as a belated birthday present and Julian wrote “Happy 19th Birthday” in my book. So yeah!
Then myself and Sinead got Sushi in Yamamori’s after Roll went home to go laptop shopping. I’m getting addicted to avacado sushi. So I guess I’m going to have to start making it for myself and save myself a fortune!

Have to buy some vintage dresses and college books when my grant comes in. So, I hope that’ll be soon. Classes are going well so far, I have a dirt load of notes to read over during the weekend though, but we’re meant to have assignments due every two weeks, so I have the small mercy of not having to work on one yet, so this weekend is mainly for sleeping! And hopefully some drawing!

I’ll be writing for the college magezine now, so this should be an interesting year, since the Exec committee now want it out every two weeks, so eeeeeep!!! Lol.

Great quote!

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority. — Ralph W. Sockman