Back to the Bus Stop / OGAME

It has been a very long time since I got a bus to work. It has been a very long time since I have pushed myself to have to walk to anywhere really. So with this in mind and the blessing we had of a car from friends come and gone I have purchased a bus pass for the month. This is something that will not end at the end of the month, however I hope will be a positive life style change for me. If I can start to walk more, I can start to lose some of the hideous weight I have gained.

(No this is not my bus stop! I don’t own one, this is not even near my home!)

So I am also much further into the OGAME than perhaps I would have thought. It is located at and has become my escape from a lot of things and a wonderful escape at that. There are over 2600 players online and I am ranked around 525 right now and still climbing in the ranks. The game has provided me with some good stimulus and also I have several friends who play it, so in addition to this the fact that we talk about it and enjoy playing it has helped me.

(The joys of conquering space and putting the smack down on the little guys!) 

I am also reading the Twilight book. What a fun read, there are 3 more when I finish and a 5th one by the same author which is not on vampires. Not sure what the subject matter is, but we will see.

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About Rev. F

Rev. F is a family man who lives in Utah. The title Rev is official folks, and not a send up. This blog is being used by me to vent and share my thoughts of the world and day to day life. If you don't like what I say, enjoy the view some where else. Have fun and be safe.

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